Today: I got drunk at a party,
Then a few days later poems popped up,
They wont let me sleep...
I put them up.

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Life and Times


12i:00^2.98: Added two poems under Self hate,
Achieved enlightenment but for got the secret,
More to follow at an undisclosed illusionary time.

God Knows When: Yah, that's right, I'm updating.
Been a while huh?
A friend of mine reminded me of something I wrote in junior high.
Expect it here soon.
Two poems added to Self Hate.
That is all, return to your duties.

01/28/02: I had to read some Ginsberg,
It inspired me,
The poems are up their,
I miss my lightning gun.

01/06/02: Ok, I've updated again.
I've added one poem in the All Purpose Angst section,
and I've added two Miscellanious writings.

If you try and correct my spelling errors,
you can go to hell.

I didn't update yesterday, cause I didn't feel like it.
Also, I was busy with Michelle so... He he...
Yeah... Well, I've updated again, are you feeling
honored yet?
It would be advisable to do so soon...
:*( *sniff*
Also, I've made a slight change to the poems section.
It's now called "Writings," the new section has been replaced
with non-poems and titled "Miscellanious".
New poems/writings will be flagged "*NEW*"

12/30/01: Well, I've gotten off my ass and decided for an update.
I hope you feel honored.
Really, I'm doing this all for you.
Fine, ingrate.
Anyways, I've also decided to update my webpage and add a sort of
journal which I will be updating irregularly to give you an incite into
my wonderful life.
Do you feel honored yet?
You really should...
Oh well, I'll just get about updating, I hope you feel honored eventually.
For your sake as well as mine.
Really, I have ninjas.
Ok, I don't, that's a lie, but still, it's only polite...

A brief warning to those who are either mentally stupid, or extremely literal:

All poems contained herein have a deeper meaning. These meanings may, however, be "I feel hungry" or "my stomach hurts."

These poems are, at best, poor expressions of my thoughts and feelings. Since I do, however, suffer from extreme chronic mental stupidity, the quality of the poems and the spelling of certain words (mostly the really hard ones) are severely lacking.

Please fell free to comment on the change and the content of the page.

Sign my guest-book or I shall make Otter Pops of your blood.

Not responsible for mental damage or dirty feelings caused by my poetry.

Rip off my poetry without giving me full credit, and not only will I make Otter Pops of your blood, but I'll turn your household pets into my hidiously deformed servents of evil.

Thank you, and remember that dispite my insane ramblings, I have a damn cute ass so shut up and forgive me.