Life and Times: A Chronicle of Futility

01/06/02: Okay, I'm writing again, after quite a few days. not THAT much happened.
I spent alot of time with Michelle, and went to practice for Taming of the Shrew.
I'm in the induction, which is being very poorly managed. It's like, they added it in
then forgot all about it. Oh well, what can I do?

Ended up going over to my freind Icesong's house and gaming. Could only stay for
one game of Illuminati (which I lost) until Michelle had to leave, and I left with her.
Haven't been playing Final Fantasy X as much, but, oh well. Also, I've began working
on a GURPS Discworld campaign, which will hopefully roxxor.

As for today? Woke up late, read parts of the GURPS Discworld book, and got up to
mud, ignore work, and eventually grab lunch at 7-11. Here I am, eating chips once more
and dreaming of an afternoon spent with Michelle...

01/02/02: Oooh, this is a coooool date. Look at it! 01/02/02! I, for one, believe it to
be ALMOST as cool as 01/01/01. Can't wait for 11/11/11, can you? Oh well, not
everyone can find joy in the date like I do.

Anywho, today was an uneventful day. Woke up to Michelle's beautiful voice, sadly
distorted by the telephone. Sat around playing Final Fantasy X and talking to Michelle
until about noon, when the parents came by to drag me off to see Lord of the Rings.
It's pretty good the second time through as well. Ate lunch at the Tide House beforehand,
which is normally good but... well... I ordered a tide house burger with bleu cheese and
chedder. I got a tiny lump of meat with a couple chunks of bleu cheese and a pile of
mushrooms. I hate mushrooms. The waitress was cheery and attentive but, there can
be no atonment for mushrooms. Overall, on a scale of orange to blue,
the Tide House now has a green (that's not that good).

The Lord of the Rings, from the point of view of someone who had the book read to him
at age 9, recieves a pure blue (that's good). The special effects were very good, the
plot well carried out if a bit confusing at times (who's the secret flame?). Go see it,

As for yesterday, that was a day with Michelle, and for a while, her best friend Mushu
as well. A great day, though I felt a little bad when she ended up so tired she fell asleep
on my couch. After four hours out walking around (mostly at the mall) I was tired too.
As for my purchases, I tried to limit myself. Issues 2 and 3 of Zed by Michel Gagne
(sorry for omitting the accent mark thing). The series is good so far, but it's taking
far too long and developing too slow. Despite it's speed of lack thereof, I give Zed a
Light Green, bordering on Cyan (that's good).

12/30/01: Like the title? I came up with it all on my own. Sounds really... deep.
Anyways, I've decided to keep a little record of who I am and what I do on the net
just in case I die or lose my memory or.. I dunno, the entire west coast is vaporized
by a mad scientist. Seems like a good idea anyways...

To start out, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Casey Molver, I was
born August 22nd 1985. I love most music, and hate the rest, and think most
"Punk" bands are nausiating. I play far too many games, eat far too much crappy
food, and swear ALOT.

My girlfirend, Michelle, has been with me for over 6 months. She makes life
alot brighter. Right now, she's in Bolivia, but comes back tomorrow. I can't
help but miss her even though she's only a day away. Anyways, I suppose
I should start the... you know, journal.

Today, I got up and layed on my bed for a while. Fun, huh? What's the point
in waking up when there's no one to meet? Well, after a while, I got up and
tried to play Wild Arms 2 on my PS2, but got bored and took a shower.

My mom offered to give me money to go to 7 11 across the street and grab
breakfast; I ended up going out with her and my step dad for lunch at the
"Chinese Bistro" across the street from Borders. The pot stickers were
kinda crunchy, the beef was too mushy, the chicken to sour, and the rice
wasn't nearly sticky enough. It was OK, 2 stars at best...

Wandered around borders, but they didn't have anything to interest me.
Left after far too long to go to the mall and buy a game. Bought Final Fantasy
X, and ended up waiting outside in the rain for my parental units to get out
of pennies and drive me home.

Got home and started playing FFX. The graphics were amazing, but the plot was
really hard to follow. What did I expect? Parents left to go to a friend's house
for dinner, and I got 10 bucks to go get dinner at 7-11. Two hotdogs, two liters
of pepsi and one bag of chips later, I'm here, writing out my day for people
who will probably never read it. Kinda leaves my mouth tasting like barbeque
sauce, though that could be the chips.